MSDS manufacturer safety data sheet polyethylene wax PE WAX

Home » MSDS manufacturer safety data sheet polyethylene wax PE WAX
(Polyethylene Wax)
Polyethylene Wax/ Polyethylene Homopolymer Wax
physician immediately.
Safety Data Sheet
PRODUCT Product Name: Product Description: – COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Supplier:
This material is not hazardous according to regulatory guidelines (see SDS Section 15). Other hazard information: HAZARD NOT OTHERWISE CLASSIFIED (HNOC): None as defined under 29 CFR 1910.1200. PHYSICAL / CHEMICAL HAZARDS Thermal burn hazard – contact with hot material may cause thermal burns. HEALTH HAZARDS High-pressure injection under skin may cause serious damage. When heated, the vapors/fumes given off may cause respiratory tract irritation. ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS No significant hazards.
NFPA Hazard ID: HMIS Hazard ID:
Health: Health:
1 1
Flammability: Flammability:
1 1
Reactivity: Reactivity:
0 0
This material should not be used for any other purpose than the intended use in Section 1 without expert advice.
Health studies have shown that chemical exposure may cause potential human health risks which may vary from person to person.
This material is defined as a substance. No Hazardous Substance(s) or Complex Substance(s) required for disclosure.
INHALATION If overcome by fumes, immediately remove from exposure and call a physician. If breathing is irregular or has stopped, start resuscitation. Administer oxygen if available. SKIN CONTACT If burned by hot product, obtain medical attention immediately. In the event of skin contact with product under other conditions, wash thoroughly with soap and water. Removal of product from skin may be aided by use of waterless hand cleaner. EYE CONTACT If hot product splashes into eyes, flush immediately with clear cold water. Contact
SECTION 4                                             FIRST AID MEASURES
SECTION 3                                                COMPOSITION / INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS
SECTION 2                                              HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION
SECTION 1                                                PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION
INGESTION Product are not acutely toxic and in any case ingestion is unlikely to occur. If a product is ingested, follow appropriate action as when any foreign object is
EXTINGUISHING MEDIA Use carbon monoxide, dry chemical or fine water spray. Avoid direct stream of water as product will float and can re-ignite on the surface of the water stream. FIRE FIGHTING Material will not burn unless preheated. Do not enter confined fire space without full bunker gear (helmet with face shield, bunker coats, gloves and rubber boots), including a positive pressure NIOSH approved self-contained breathing apparatus. Cool fire exposed containers with water. In powder form, static electricity may lead to explosions. Take precaution as material may cause floors and stairs to become slippery. FLAMMABILITY PROPERTIES Flammability Classification: Combustible solid Flash Point [Method]: 230 – 260°C (450 – 500°F) min [ASTM D-92] Flammable Limits (Approximate volume % in air): LEL: N/D; UEL: N/D Autoignition Temperature: N/D
NOTIFICATION PROCEDURES In the event of a spill or accidental release, notify relevant authorities in accordance with all applicable regulations. US regulations require reporting releases of this material to the environment which exceed the applicable reportable quantity or oil spills which could reach any waterway including intermittent dry creeks. The National Response Center can be reached at (800) 424-8802.
PROTECTIVE MEASURES Use good housekeeping practices since spilled material may be a slipping hazard. When dealing with powdered grade, keep away from heat, flame, and remove ignition sources. Collect material in a drum (may be fiberboard) or carbon using care to scatter as little dust as possible. May burn although not readily ignitable. Use cautions judgment when cleaning up large molten spills. With small molten spills wear respirator and protective clothing as appropriate. Shut off source of leak if safe to do so. Dike and contain. Allow wax to cool and remove as solid.
SPILL MANAGEMENT Land Spill: Allow spilled material to solidify and scrape up with shovels into a suitable container for recycle or disposal. Water Spill: Stop leak if you can do it without risk. Confine the spill immediately with booms. Warn other shipping. Skim from surface. Water spill and land spill recommendations are based on the most likely spill scenario for this material; however, geographic conditions, wind, temperature, (and in the case of a water spill) wave and current direction and speed may greatly influence the appropriate action to be taken. For this reason, local experts should be consulted. Note: Local regulations may prescribe or limit action to be taken.
ENVIRONMENTAL PRECAUTIONS Large Spills: Dike far ahead of liquid spill for later recovery and disposal. Prevent entry into waterways, sewers, basements or confined areas.
HANDLING Avoid breathing fumes from heating process. Avoid spillage as floors can become slippery.
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SECTION 7                                             HANDLING AND STORAGE
SECTION 6                                             ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES
SECTION 5                                               FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES
STORAGE Avoid excessive heat and strong oxidizing agents. Use adequate ventilation during heating process or if dusty conditions occur during handling of powered material. For storage and ordinary handling, general ventilation is adequate.
EXPOSURE LIMIT VALUES Exposure limits/standards (Note: Exposure limits are not additive)
NOTE: Limits/standards shown for guidance only. Follow applicable regulations. No biological limits allocated.
ENGINEERING CONTROLS Use adequate ventilation during heating process, or if dusty conditions occur during handling of powdered material. For storage and ordinary handling, general ventilation is adequate. PERSONAL PROTECTION Personal protective equipment selections vary based on potential exposure conditions such as applications, handling practices, concentration and ventilation. Information on the selection of protective equipment for use with this material, as provided below, is based upon intended, normal usage. Respiratory Protection: Use a NIOSH approved dust respirator, if dusty conditions prevail. Use an organic vapor respirator when melting or conveying product. Eye Protection: Wear safety glasses as minimum protection. Consult you standard operating procedures or safety professional for advice. Use protective eye and face devices that comply ANSI Z87.11-1987. Skin and Body Protection: Wear heat protective gloves and long sleeve clothing if there is potential for contact with heated materials. Specific Hygiene Measures: Always observe good personal hygiene measures, such as washing after handling the material and before eating, drinking, and/or smoking. Routinely wash work clothing and protective equipment to remove contaminants. Discard contaminated clothing and footwear that cannot be cleaned. Practice good housekeeping.
ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROLS Comply with applicable environmental regulations limiting discharge to air, water and soil. Protect the environment by applying appropriate control measures to prevent or limit emissions.
Note: Physical and chemical properties are provided for safety, health and environmental considerations only and may not fully represent product specifications. Contact the Supplier for additional information. GENERAL INFORMATION Physical State: Solid Color: White Odor: Typical mild waxy odor Odor Threshold: N/D IMPORTANT HEALTH, SAFETY, AND ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION Relative Density (at 15 °C): 0.92 – 0.96 Flammability (Solid, Gas): N/A Flash Point [Method]: 230 – 260°C (450 – 500°F) min [ASTM D-92] Flammable Limits (Approximate volume % in air): LEL: N/D; UEL: N/D Autoignition Temperature: N/D Boiling Point / Range: Not applicable Decomposition Temperature: N/D Vapor Density (Air = 1): Not applicable Vapor Pressure: Not applicable Page of 6
SECTION 9                                                PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES
Substance Name
Limit / Standard
Wax fumes
2 mg/m3
SECTION 8                                             EXPOSURE CONTROLS / PERSONAL PROTECTION
Evaporation Rate: N/D pH: N/A OTHER INFORMATION Melting Point: 82 – 127°C (180 – 260°F)
REACTIVITY: Does not react with air or other common materials. STABILITY: Material is stable under normal conditions. CONDITIONS TO AVOID: Excessive heat. MATERIALS TO AVOID: Strong oxidizers HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: Carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and combustible gases may be generated POSSIBILITY OF HAZARDOUS REACTIONS: Hazardous polymerization will not occur.
Skin Effects: No skin effects are expected from polymer contact.
Oral Effects: Acute oral toxicity in rats: LD50>2500 mg/kg The following ingredients are cited on the lists below: None. –REGULATORY LISTS SEARCHED–
3 = IARC 1 4 = IARC 2A
ECOTOXICITY Ecotoxicity is expected to be low based on the low water solubility of the product. ENVIRONMENTAL FATE No information found in our selected references. BIOACCUMULATION POTENTIAL Not expected to occur.
Disposal recommendations based on material as supplied. Disposal must be in accordance with current applicable laws and regulations, and material characteristics at time of disposal.
DISPOSAL RECOMMENDATIONS Suitable routes of disposal are supervised incineration, preferentially with energy recovery, or appropriate recycling methods in accordance with applicable regulations and material characteristics at the time of disposal.
REGULATORY DISPOSAL INFORMATION RCRA Information: The unused product, in our opinion, is not specifically listed by the EPA as a hazardous waste (40 CFR, Part 261D), nor is it formulated to contain materials which are listed as hazardous wastes. It does not exhibit the hazardous characteristics of ignitability, corrositivity or reactivity and is not formulated with contaminants as determined by the Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP). However, used product may be regulated.
Empty Container Warning Empty Container Warning (where applicable): empty containers may contain residue and can be dangerous. Do not attempt to refill or clean containers without proper instructions. Empty drums should be completely drained and safely stored until appropriately reconditioned or disposed. Empty containers should be taken for recycling, recovery, or disposal through suitably qualified or licensed contractor and in accordance with governmental regulations. DO NOT PRESSURISE, CUT, WELD, BRAZE, SOLDER, DRILL, GRIND, OR EXPOSE SUCH CONTAINERS TO HEAT, FLAME, SPARKS, STATIC ELECTRICITY, OR OTHER SOURCES OF IGNITION.
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SECTION 13                                             DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS
SECTION 12                                             ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION
SECTION 11                                              TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION
SECTION 10                                             STABILITY AND REACTIVITY
LAND (DOT): Not Regulated for Land Transport LAND (TDG): Not Regulated for Land Transport SEA (IMDG): Not Regulated for Sea Transport according to IMDG-Code Marine Pollutant: No SEA (MARPOL 73/78 Convention – Annex II) Product Name: PARAFFIN WAX Ship type: 2 Pollution category: Y AIR (IATA): Not Regulated for Air Transport
OSHA HAZARD COMMUNICATION STANDARD: This material is not considered hazardous in accordance with OSHA HazCom 2012, 29 CFR 1910.1200.
Listed or exempt from listing/notification on the following chemical inventories: AICS, DSL, ENCS, IECSC, KECI, PICCS, TSCA
EPCRA SECTION 302: This material contains no extremely hazardous substances. SARA (311/312) REPORTABLE HAZARD CATEGORIES: None. SARA (313) TOXIC RELEASE INVENTORY: This material contains no chemicals subject to the supplier notification requirements of the SARA 313 Toxic Release Program.
The following ingredients are cited on the lists below: None. –REGULATORY LISTS SEARCHED–
1 = ACGIH ALL 2 = ACGIH A1 3 = ACGIH A2 4 = OSHA Z 5 = TSCA 4
6 = TSCA 5a2 7 = TSCA 5e 8 = TSCA 6 9 = TSCA 12b 10 = CA P65 CARC
11 = CA P65 REPRO 12 = CA RTK 13 = IL RTK 14 = LA RTK 15 = MI 293
16 = MN RTK 17 = NJ RTK 18 = PA RTK 19 = RI RTK
Code key: CARC=Carcinogen; REPRO=Reproductive
N/D = Not determined, N/A = Not applicable THIS SAFETY DATA SHEET CONTAINS THE FOLLOWING REVISIONS: Updates made in accordance with implementation of GHS requirements. Revision date: December 12, 2015
The information and recommendations contained herein are, to the best of IRM’s knowledge and belief, accurate and reliable as of the date issued. You can contact IRM to insure that this document is the most current available from IRM. The information and recommendations are offered for the user\’s consideration and examination. It is the user\’s responsibility to satisfy itself that the product is suitable for the intended use. If buyer repackages this product, it is the user\’s responsibility to insure proper health, safety and other necessary information is included with and/or on the container. Appropriate warnings and safe-handling procedures should be provided to handlers and users. Alteration of this document is strictly prohibited. Except to the extent required by law, re-publication or retransmission of this document, in whole or in part, is not permitted. The term, \”IRM\” is used for convenience, and may include any affiliates in which they directly or indirectly hold any interest.
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SECTION 16                                           OTHER INFORMATION
SECTION 15                                             REGULATORY INFORMATION
SECTION 14                                             TRANSPORT INFORMATION
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